Consumer education is one of the primary functions of the Consumer Affairs Commission. While some of this education focuses on acquainting constituents with their rights and responsibilities and the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act (CPA), the agency also provides guidance in many other areas which impact consumers.
Our pragmatic approach to consumer issues has propelled us to address a myriad of issues such as budgeting, meal preparation, backyard gardening and comparative shopping, among others. The information we provide on these topics will be expanded and updated on a regular basis to ensure relevance.
A large percentage of the persons impacted by our consumer education initiative are adults, however, the programmes of the Commission are not geared towards adults only. In fact, the agency interfaces with students on a regular basis through its community outreach activities which have schools as a key target. We recognize that while students may not be engaged in the actual purchasing of goods and services, they very often influence the purchasing decisions. It is for this reason that the CAC has incorporated a “Kiddies Link” in its online offerings. In this section, the rights and responsibilities of consumers are broken down into manageable chunks expressed in simple language presented in a user-friendly format.
We invite you to avail yourselves of the wealth of information at your disposal and to contact our offices should there be need for additional data or for clarification of the existing material.