One of the most distinctive changes in the Jamaican marketplace over the last 15 years has been the expansion in the types of goods and services available to consumers. This growth has been spurred by trade liberalisation, regulatory reform, and advances in information and communication technology. Consumers play a vital role in this expansion. When they are educated about their rights and responsibilities, consumers help to drive competition, business efficiency and innovation. This cannot happen without the presence of an effective policy which addresses marketplace problems by reducing or eliminating unfair marketplace practices so that a more level playing field is created between consumers and businesses.
Legislation is an essential tool that is available to create this equilibrium. The Consumer Protection Act (2005) (CPA) is the law which established the Consumer Affairs Commission, and the legislation from which the Commission derives its authority to carry out its mandate of promoting and protecting consumer interests. There are however several other consumer protection legislations which guide the work of the Commission, ranging from those that focus on consumer empowerment, to those that aim to modify the behaviour of businesses. They are outlined and explained in the attached pages.