The Consumer Protection Tribunal

Category: Tribunal

The Consumer Protection Tribunal (CPT) is a quasi-judicial body, provided for under the Consumer Protection Act (2012), which has the power to hear and determine matters in breach of the Consumer Protection Act, which were not settled through the routine mediation process. Unresolved matters may be referred to this Tribunal. 

In determining whether certain practices are in breach of the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act (CPA), the Tribunal has been empowered to call and examine witnesses, call for and examine documents, and require that documents submitted to the Commission be verified by affidavit. 

It is envisioned that the CPT will result in speedier resolution of cases at a lower cost. Further, the judgements will be binding.

Legal rules of administrative justice require that hearings should be placed before an independent and impartial arbiter. In addition, the authority of the arbiter should be separate from the administrative agency created to investigate, supervise and regulate that particular area of governmental concern. In keeping with this fundamental principle, the adjudicative functions of the Consumer Protection Tribunal are separate and distinct from the investigative and administrative arms of the Consumer Affairs Commission.